
UCC Students' Union Elects Past Pupils

UCC Students’ Union elected two past pupils from SHSS, Jill Mortell and Aoibhe O’Brien, as Entertainments and Welfare Officers respectively.

Jill campaigned with a comprehensive manifesto which includes promoting night out safety especially for female students, placing a large emphasis on reducing fast fashion consumption by organizing regular second hand clothes sales, encouraging students looking to begin DJing by organizing DJ mentoring, organising regular on campus 0.0 events such as live podcast shows, 5 a side matches, and then outdoor match screenings, and encouraging the integration of international students by hosting regular cultural evenings on campus.

Aoibhe’s main duties are running a listening, advice and referral service, organising campaigns and events on welfare support and info, plus Mental Health and Wellbeing Week, SHAG Week and Addiction Awareness and Drug Harm Reduction Week. She will also manage applications for Welfare Funds, run the Keep Well Instagram, develop and lobby for welfare related policies, and deal with a lot of case work.

Congratulations to both on this fantastic achievement.

Caragh BellComment