"Creating as if Sand was Stone"
“We are like children building a sand castle. We embellish it with beautiful shells, bits of driftwood, and pieces of coloured glass. The castle is ours, off limits to others. We’re willing to attack if others threaten to hurt it. Yet despite all our attachment, we know that the tide will inevitably come in and sweep the sand castle away. The trick is to enjoy it fully but without clinging, and when the time comes, let it dissolve back into the sea.”
(Pema Chödrön an American Buddhist nun)
On Wednesday , November 4th, our TY students took a trip to Inchydoney Beach. As the sun shone beautifully and the ocean glistened in the bright light ,the girls began the task that was set to them . With joy and enthusiasm , the girls ,in groups, began planning and designing their sand sculptures.
These sculptures,typically elaborate , involved building and creating , using sand, salt water and other beach materials available to them.They were given over two hours to complete their sculptures.
In the mean time judging began, a task that was not to prove easy. The girls were told that teamwork and creativity would be taken into consideration in the judging process ,and also that each completed piece would have to be given a Name /Title.
The amazing creations were separated into three categories ,and judged accordingly. These categories were 1.Pop Culture 2.Creatures 3. Structure. Prize winners will be announced this week.
Entries were :
Pop Culture:
“Hello Kitty”/Sponge Bob Square Pants?Cleo the Mermaid/Mother Nature Parting the Sea/Sponge Bob and Pants Stuck in a Desert Island/Patrick Star
Squid- Slippery Slope/Save the Turtles/Harry the Hippo/Timmy the Turtle/Sea Serpent/Ada the Seal/Sid the Squid( Octopus)/Ferbious/Siobhan Patina
Trump Tower - Motte and Bailey/Fantasy City/Atlantis City- Buckingham Palace/Couch Potato/Rhythm/ Lightning McQueen Car/Get Away Boat
Congratulations to all students, and staff members , Mr Barry , Ms O’ Connell, and Miss Harrington for sharing in such a memorable day. Although , the sculptures were to be eventually take by the ocean ,we have wonderful photographs that will keep their memory with us.
Once the results are announced ,all photographs of the day will be made available to all students on the TY Shared Drive. Parents and family members will then be given the opportunity to share in this great day with us .
Even the gulls were impressed and came to have a look..
“Who are the happiest people on earth? A craftsman,an artist whistling over a job well done. A little child building sand castles. Happiness lies in a constructive job well done. Get your happiness out of your work or you will never know what happiness is…….”
Elbert Hubbard - an American writer, artist, and philosopher