
SHSS Equestrian Event at Kingston Equine

Students got the fantastic opportunity to visit Kingston Equine yard this week, accompanied by Ms O’Donoghue.

First, participants of all levels were able to learn or practice grooming techniques, and stable management.

After this, students were assisted in tacking up their own horses, and learning about the maintenance and correct fitting of the bridle and saddle.

Finally, students had the opportunity to hone a number of skills on horseback. Participants of all levels were given an opportunity to practice flatwork through trotting and cantering. Moreover, students were also given the chance to show off their show jumping expertise!

All in all, our Equestrian Club members had a fantastic day out, and returned to us with dusty boots and big smiles. A big thank you to Kingston Equine for hosting, coordinating and instructing our group. Kingston Equine can be contacted through the following page:

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