CEIST Annual Visit to SHSS — Sacred Heart Secondary School


CEIST Annual Visit to SHSS

We were delighted to welcome Ms Rita McCabe to Sacred Heart on her annual school visit. Ms McCabe is one of the coordinators for the CEIST Faith Leadership and Governance Team and she was very impressed with how well the ethos of CEIST is evident as you walk through the door of the school. There are posters of One Good Deed (the theme of this year’s Ceiliuradh CEIST) visible at the Sacred Space, and the warm atmosphere is apparent.

“Sacred Heart is a school that’s leading in educational circles, with inclusivity, respect and education at the forefront,” said Ms McCabe. “The CEIST ethos and values are well promoted and efficiently modelled by Ms Brosnan and Mr Walsh who know each and every one of their students personally.”

Ms McCabe visited Ms O’Connell’s Art class, and also popped into the ASD class where she was enchanted by the wonderful atmosphere and the excellent SNAs. She was also very impressed with the proficiency of the Leaving Cert Applied students who use Google Suite for their assignments and are extremely tech savvy. 

Ms McCabe had particular praise for our principal, Ms Ann Marie Brosnan, saying how she models excellence in pastoral care and inclusion, encouraging students to reach their potential in a respectful, caring and supportive environment. 

Caragh BellComment