
All Ireland TY Drama Festival Awards Ceremony

Mr Browne and TY student, Aoibhe Daly, travelled to Macroom today for the All Ireland Transition Year Drama Festival awards ceremony. It was held at 3pm in a gazebo across from the Castle Hotel. Sacred Heart won three awards: The Mullingar Perpetual Trophy for Best Drama/Production, The Michael Twomey Perpetual Trophy for Best Director (Aoibhe Daly), and another trophy for Best Costumes.

The Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr Gillian Coughlan, was the Guest of Honour at the event. She spoke of her love of drama and the Arts, and how crucial it is for well-being and self-expression. She praised the Briery Gap Theatre Group for continuing with the festival, despite being in the middle of a pandemic.

This festival started as a local drama festival in Macroom in the year 2000, comprised only of Cork schools. Now, it’s a nationwide event, attracting schools from all over the country. All aspects of a production such as lighting, direction, costumes, sets, must be carried out by TY students themselves. Teamwork is crucial and it requires real enthusiasm and commitment.

Our TY students rose above adversity and produced a fantastic adaption of Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’. Masked and socially distanced, they adapted to this new normal, and today they were rewarded for all their hard work. Again, huge thanks to Mr Browne for all of his help.

Bravo to the All Ireland champions!

Caragh BellComment