
SHSS Alumnae Link - Abaigeal Pettit-Mee

Welcome to SHSS Alumnae Link!

This is where we connect with past pupils and find out what they’re up to now.

This week we linked with Abaigeal Pettit-Mee who graduated in 2016.

Name and Position:

Abaigeal Pettit-Mee. Current Postgraduate in UCC Public Health.



Best Memory of Sacred Heart :

There are so many good memories to choose from. However, the one that still makes me happy is Mr Woods’ Leaving Cert Technology class which was just before lunch break.  My class preferred practical work instead of theory, so we’d vote to do our practical work, and then go for lunch early in the Ref (or downtown before it got busy outside Scallys/Spar). It was an excellent break from classes and studying. I have excellent memories of making friends in this school. We are still friends after graduation. You make life-long friends at Sacred Heart who will be by your side through the ups and downs of what life throws at you. 

What were your favourite classes?

English, Biology and Geography. 

Tell us about your career progression to date: 

In 2017, I started my undergrad degree in Social Science (Hons) after completing a foundation year in CSN Social Studies to gain entry to UCC (my dream was to do Social Science). I recently graduated but unfortunately, my graduation was online. However, Covid-19 did not prevent me from progressing forward into the Masters of my dreams, which is Masters of Public Health Online in UCC.  Despite all my work being online, it is somewhat flexible, so I can balance my study and free time pretty well.

I am currently finishing my first year of the Masters and will be progressing forward into my final year (the Masters is 22 months long).  After leaving Sacred Heart and entering UCC, my leadership skills and self-confidence have flourished. People may remember me as a shy and quiet student, but I have blossomed into a confident and outgoing person.  

For example, I’ve been a Peer Support Leader since 2018. I offer support to first-year students and international students as they make the transition to life in UCC.  I give orientation day tours, and I contact my linked students throughout the year to answer any questions or worries relating to life at UCC.

I was a Promotions Rep from 2019-2020 when I was in my final year of my degree. My role as Promotions Rep was to announce when PITstop was on and make sure that there were enough people signed up for each hour. PITstop is a Peer Support Information Table which runs twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:30 am- 2:30 pm outside the Boole Library. This information stand allows any students to seek advice or have a chat with experienced Peer Support Leaders. Peer Support Leaders who sign up to this stand are there to answer any questions about the university or answer questions about a degree. Due to this role, I received the UCC Leadership Award for that year. 

Currently, I am Class Rep, UCC Harry Potter Society Vice-Chair, and on the UCC Wellbeing Crew. Despite university being online, being involved in societies is a great way to stay connected with my fellow student population.  Later this year, I will be the UCC Harry Potter Society OCM, UCC Simpsons Society Vice-Chair, and UCC Public Health Society Accessibility Officer.

I look forward to taking on these roles and hope to return to campus.

(Please, Covid, do not ruin another year for us college students!) 

I am currently working as a waitress in Clonakilty. However, after graduating with my Masters in 2022, I hope to progress into the fieldwork of infection control to prevent the spread of infections in healthcare settings and the public. 

If you weren’t in the job you have, what would you be doing? 

I would have to say working as a paramedic as I loved learning about biology and taking part in many first-aid classes. 

Advice you would give your teenage self:

Listen to your inner voice. There will be people who try to discourage you, but don’t let them. Believe in yourself and keep moving forward.  You are on your path to follow your dreams and don’t compare yourself to others or put yourself down if things do not go the way you planned.  Everyone you know is on a different journey, at a different stage, so it is essential to be happy with yourself and at the pace that you are going at. There is more to life than top academic grades, a big salary and a fancy job title. Things will fall into place for you when the time is right. 

Favourite Quote or Motto?

You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.

What is your hidden talent?

Fast reading and knowing every song word by word from the musical Hamilton (Definitely a catchy musical).

Huge thanks to Abaigeal for taking the time to answer our questions.

See you soon for the next instalment of SHSS Alumnae Link.

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