
SHSS Alumnae Link - Serena Sheane

Welcome to SHSS Alumnae Link!

This is where we connect with past pupils and find out what they’re up to now.

This week we linked with Serena Sheane who graduated in 2016.

Name and Position:

Serena Sheane, Postgraduate Music Student at the Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance and Private Piano Teacher.


London, United Kingdom.

Best Memories of Sacred Heart:

Selecting one memory was impossible so here are my top three:

1. Preparing for the Sixth Year Graduation Ceremony with my Year Group. From playing the spoons during the Traditional Irish Medley to learning I Will Follow Him from Sister Act, I loved diving head first into the musical life of Sacred Heart. Sing Songs between rehearsals also strengthened our bond as classmates during our final days in school.

2. Winning the Louise O’ Connell Memorial Award for receiving the Highest Junior Certificate Music Results in 2013. I was “summoned” to Ms. Brosnan’s office over the Intercom and asked to take a seat in her office with Mr. Walsh, Ms. Whyte and Ms. Hayes. I honestly thought I was in trouble! Nice surprise to discover that I wasn’t!

3. Coaching the First Year Choir for the Transition Year Musical Voulez Vous.

While I was a bit apprehensive initially, I loved stepping into a music teacher’s shoes a few times a week! Building a healthy rapport with the girls really boosted my confidence and everything seemed to slot into place as the rehearsals unfolded (thankfully.)

What were your favourite Classes?

Music and German. Ms. Whyte and Ms. O’ Regan were really inspiring teachers who showed immense dedication to their subjects and students throughout my secondary education.

Tell Us About Your Career Progression to Date:

My feet hit the ground running the day I graduated from Sacred Heart! Destination Number One was the CIT Cork School of Music. I started my Bachelor of Music Degree in September 2016 and finished the course last June in the height of the pandemic. From orchestrating to conducting, the diversity of this programme enabled me to immerse myself in a variety of musical fields. Placements in St. Marie’s of the Isle National School and private piano tuition also helped me discover my love for classroom and instrumental teaching. Likewise, it motivated me to apply for the Masters in Music Education and Performance at Trinity Laban after my BMus degree (a programme which I am starting in September this year.) In addition, I coached and accompanied Ballincollig’s Cantairí Mhuscraí Choir alongside Ger Goodwin for the Roma Music Festival in March 2019. Performing in St. Peter’s Basilica on St. Patrick’s Day was such exhilarating and memorable experience, especially as the youngest accompanist in the festival. I was also awarded the CIT Cork School of Music BMus Student of the Year Award on three occasions during my degree, making my commitment to this intensive programme more fruitful than I expected.

I am currently studying the Independent Study Programme (Advanced) at Graduate Certificate Level in the Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance. This one-year programme focuses primarily on piano performance but also enables me to accompany singers, teach piano online, record new repertoire, play in competitions and participate in projects with other musicians and dancers. Accepting a Guaranteed Unconditional Offer to the course in December 2019 was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Living in London during a pandemic has its challenges. However, I feel I have finally found the place where I’m supposed to be.

If you weren’t in the job you have, what would you be doing?

Interesting question. Probably would be a toss-up between Primary School Teaching or Journalism.

Advice you would give your teenage self?

Do the best you can, where you are, with what you have. Adopt an attitude of gratitude and blessings will flood into your life. Live in the moment.

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery but today is a gift, that is why it is called the present.”

Eleanor Roosevelt.

Favourite quote or motto?

“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take

the first step.”

Martin Luther King Jnr.

What is Your Hidden Talent?

I really enjoy doing Zumba routines in my kitchen, thanks to encouragement from dancing extraordinaire Flavie Chimènes. Her online classes helped me stay active and “switch off” from college during both lockdowns.

Huge thanks to Serena for taking the time to answer our questions!

See you soon for the next instalment of SHSS Alumnae Link.

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