TY students apply constructions and geometry to produce "Sand Circles"
Transition Year students at Sacred Heart Secondary School recently undertook a module on sand circles as part of their maths course. As circles, constructions and geometry are key elements of the maths syllabus, this was an innovative and fun way to explore maths in a real life context.
The students planned their designs using the computer design software, Geogebra. The patterns created are all based upon circles with different regular polygons (shapes) or variants being constructed within.
On 15th May, the students undertook their task, using string and sticks as giant compasses, rakes as their brushes and the beautiful Inchydoney beach as their canvas. The results were impressive, turning many a head on the beach.
Special thanks must go to their teachers Mr Hanley, Mr Kiely and Ms. Holland. And finally a big thank you to all the Transition Year students who took part from idea, through planning to final creation. Well done to all!