May the Adventure Continue
How I'm going to Rock Fourth Year
by Liza Hasani
Lilah Steward, Liza Hasani and Eabha Brosnan
I have looked forward to Transition Year since I first stepped foot into the corridors of Sacred Heart Secondary School. For the first time, I discovered that school isn't all about academics. This year is all about diving in, and learning new things. It's about embracing the journey not the destination. It's not about being the smartest in the room. It's about being the one having the most fun.
I completed my first week of Transition Year with a bigger smile on my face than I had the first day. I knew I was going to have a good year.
I'm eager to get into the world of entrepreneurship as well as eager to improve my communication skills. Mini Company will give me these opportunities because working in a group to run a business requires delegation and effective communication .
I was apprehensive about choosing journalism, at first, because I'm not very good at English or writing but I think it will boost my confidence.Though it's nerve wrecking putting my work out there, I think it will be very rewarding.
The cocoon phase refers to the time of transformation and growth. I'm entering Transition Year as a caterpillar and I know I'm going to emerge into a Butterfly by the time the year ends .
Transition Year is the road to self discovery, I know there will be a few bumps in the road but I know they are a part of the Adventure.