TY Live Blog

Walk of Light

On February Ist the Transition Year students took part in a “Walk of Light” Ceremony. This was in Celebration of St Brigid’s Day and the arrival of Spring. During this ceremony the girls payed tribute to the trusteeship of CEIST as they launched ,what will be an annual event, on February 1st, Ceiliuradh Ceist.

Ceiliuradh Ceist is based on the following  Ceist belief..…that is  “We are good schools  filled with good people .Therefore, must  share with everyone how proud we are of what we have, and can achieve”

During the Liturgy the girls were reminded that when we light candles, suddenly the world around us changes. We were reminded that one small flame is all it takes to let the darkness know it cannot win.During our “Walk of Light”, we joined the old with the new, as symbolised by the bridge we crossed . As we walked, in silence, through the corridors of the old building, we remembered, and payed tribute, to all past staff members and past pupils .

Well don to the Class Representatives fro their participation in this event.During the day St Brigid’s Crosses were made and shared between students and staff.

As we move further into the 21st century we look forward with hope in our hearts to a bright future for our school .

Eileen HarteComment