Become A TY Ninja.... A Unique Work Experience Opportunity
Congratulations to Ahana Malik , a student in Transition Year ( 4.4) who has been selected by as a TY Ninjas for this year.
Work With The Team
Become A TY Ninja
A Unique Work Experience Opportunity
The TY Ninjas Programme is new work experience opportunity designed by the Team. Transition Year students now have the chance to work with this Team by improving and contributing to the one-stop hub for all things Transition Year. have always advocated for a website for students by students, which is why they have looked for TY students to be involved in the running of the website. They have asked students to register, and complete an application form , with the aim of being selected as either a writers or ,designers .
Ahana has been selected as a designer . We wish Ahana every success and look forward to hearing about her new adventure