My Podcast Experience - Noa Martín de la Peña
I am an international student at Sacred Heart Secondary School and, when I came to Ireland, I
knew great experiences awaited for me at this school. I was given the opportunity to be a
school journalist and I took it. That was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Being able
to interview different people from different backgrounds and different walks of life has been truly
an amazing experience. So far, I have had the honour of interviewing David Nash, John
Minihan and David Gilbert for the SHSS Podcast. I’ve learnt so much from these interviews and
have no doubt evolved and improved as a journalist. I recall the excitement I felt when
recording my first ever podcast. I had never done something like it before and I was more than
ready to interview our guest that day, poet David Nash. Interviewing the photographer John
Minihan was an unforgettable experience. I must admit I learnt a lot from him and am very
glad to have had the privilege of hearing his words of wisdom. I look forward to doing many
more podcast interviews during the rest of the school year and continue growing as a
journalist here at SHSS.