
SHSS Weekly Roundup - Friday 31st March 2023

SHSS WEEKLY ROUNDUP - Friday 31st March 2023

It’s EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Podcast of the week: The one with the hockey players: Gearoid and Andrew. 

Trip of the week: Macbeth in the Everyman. 

Craic of the week: The Talent Show in aid of Daffodil Day in the GPR. 

Trip of the week: The 1C trip to AIB. 

Boffins of the week : The Louisiana Literacy Test candidates. 

Victors of the week: The Senior C hockey team. 

Acrobat of the week: Lola O’Donnell! What an achievement. 

Club of the week  : Coding Club for 1st years. 

Coder of the week: Ruth Sexton! 

Good luck of the week: To all the LC students who have orals this weekend and next week. You’ve got this!

Quizzers of the week: The winners of the CSPE quiz comp. 

Info day of the week : The College of FET in Skibb had a coffee morning that the LCAs attended. 

Fundraisers of the week: The Daffodil Day crew (again). 

Goodbye of the week: To our chef in the Ref, Mary Rose. Best of luck. 

Stand of the week: The Certified Angus girls in Dublin! Good job. 

Visit of the week: Rob Heffernan to open the school bank.

Storyteller of the week: Katy! Well done.

Best news of the week: No school for 2.25 weeks. 

Even better news of the week: Heading to Rome TONIGHT!

See you soon for the next instalment of SHSS Weekly Roundup. 

Caragh BellComment