SHSS Weekly Roundup - Friday 27th January 2023
SHSS WEEKLY ROUNDUP - Friday 27th January 2023
Only two weeks to MIDTERM! Hallelujah!
Exhibition of the week : The Trade Fair in the gym.
Victors of the week: The Minor B hockey team who won their match.
Event of the week: The YEOTY event in the GPR. Dragons, pitches, prizes. Fab.
Cutie of the week: Mr Pegler’s puppy, Messi. So sweet!
Legends of the week: The LCA students, Sarah and Nicole, who got awards in Athlone.
Angus girls of the week: The two teams who went to the interviews in Limerick. Best of luck!
TikTok of the week : Mr Browne and the TYs. Flipping great!
TikTokers of the week : Izzy and Olivia. Wizards.
Foragers of the week: The Pope John Paul girls who gathered rushes for the crosses.
Podcast of the week : A Zoom one with Oein DeBhairduin. So good. Check it out when it’s published. He’s very cool.
Exciting news of the week : We have a new bank holiday celebrating St Brigid this year. Monday 6th February.
Dog Lovers of the week: Lola and Ciara who visited the guide dogs in Cork.
Well done of the week: To Ms O’Riordan for organising all the Catholic Schools Week prayers for the intercom announcements and for taking all the pictures.
Upcoming event of the week: Ceiliúradh CEIST! Let’s celebrate.
Couturiers of the week: The Junk Kouture teams who have created stunning gowns out of waste products.
See you soon for the next instalment of SHSS Weekly Roundup.