
SHSS Alumnae Link - Anna McCarthy

Welcome to SHSS Alumnae Link!

This is where we connect with past pupils and find out what they’re up to now.

This week we linked with Anna McCarthy who graduated in 2019.

Name and position:

Anna McCarthy, 3rd Year Government and Political Science student.



Best memory of Sacred Heart:

My favourite memory from school is definitely the History and Geography trip to the Ancient East that we went on in 6th year. It was so nice to have one final trip together as a class before we all went away for college.

What were your favourite classes?

I always loved my English classes throughout the 6 years of school. I always had a love of reading and the English teachers always helped foster that love. I also really enjoyed my Leaving Cert Economics class as a

lot of what we learned has been useful for my college course.

Tell us about your career progression to date:

I am currently in my third year of Government and Political Science in UCC which I am really enjoying. The course is very broad and encompasses aspects of politics, law, and economics. It is a four-year degree and as part of it, I am currently on placement with the Houses of the Oireachtas. It has been a very enjoyable experience so far and has involved a lot of research, writing press releases and parliamentary questions, and attending events in the local area. Hopefully I will be able to visit the Seanad in the next few weeks as part of my placement.

If you weren’t in the job you have, what would you be doing?

If I wasn’t studying politics, I think I would like to have studied law.

Advice you would give your teenage self:

I would definitely tell myself to not stress so much about school, it goes by so quickly that its important to remember to enjoy yourself and have fun.

Favourite quote or motto?

‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’

What is your hidden talent?

I like to bake in my spare time!

Huge thanks to Anna for taking the time to answer our questions!

See you soon for the next instalment of SHSS Alumnae Link.

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