
SHSS Weekly Roundup - Friday 9th December 2022

SHSS WEEKLY ROUNDUP - Friday 9th December 2022

Christmas Jumper Day!

The Jingle Mingle!

We are officially slap bang in the middle of the festive season. 

Only 1.5 weeks to the Xmas hols. It’ll fly! Yes, there are exams in between, but imagine the feeling on Wednesday 21st when you throw your school bag in the corner and discard your uniform. Remember to empty your lunchbox!

Experimenters of the week : The Ag Science class who tested soil and isolated bacteria and other mad stuff.  

Twins of the week: Nicole and Mia.

TikTok of the week (1) :  The anti-bullying one. 

TikTok of the week (2) : The Christmas one Izzy Ryan and Olivia Lawlor made.

Cutest elf costume of the week : Mr Browne! 

Workshop of the week: The Jigsaw one about mental health. So important to raise awareness. 

Display of the week: The Advent display at the Sacred Space. Gorgeous. 

Bakers of the week : Ms Harte’s 2nd years with their chocolate biscuit puddings and her 1st years who made yummy cheesecakes. 

Thespians of the week: Ms Bell’s 1st years who filmed their own Nativity plays en français. 

Event of the week: The Jingle Mingle! Did you SEE the Christmas pudding style Rice Krispie buns? 

Podcast of the week : Karen Minihan who sang Mise Eire with her guitar. Fab!

Competition of the week: The 1st year Coding Comp. They got to code a dance party! 

Interior decorators of the week: The John Paul Awards TYs who put up the beautiful lights and tinsel bling around the place. 

Victors of the week : The Senior Camogie team! 

Game of the week : The 3rd years who ran around like mad in their gheansai na Nollag. 

Coolest Inta story of the week: Ms Meade meeting her long-term crush, Hugh Jackman, when she was in New York. We’re so happy for her!

See you next week for the next instalment of SHSS Weekly Roundup. 

Caragh BellComment