
SHSS WEEKLY ROUNDUP - Friday 25th November 2022

SHSS WEEKLY ROUNDUP - Friday 25th November 2022

It’s almost December! OMG. OMG. OMG. 

Almost time to decorate. We must fill our days with lights and tinsel. Tis the season to be merry and all that. 

Only 3.5 weeks to Xmas hols. Yahoo! BRING IT ON. 

Best day of the week : Friday. Most of the time it’s Friday. Friday is the best. 

Controversy of the week: The World Cup. Every day there’s something new. Ronaldo faking a penalty against the Ghanaians (boo), Roy Keane speaking out and using his pundit platform to raise awareness, that crazy head guy of FIFA and his bonkers speech, David Beckham, Joe Lycett and the shredding, Denmark trying to usurp FIFA. It's a non-stop drama. 

Heroes of the week : The Iranian football team. What bravery. 

TV programme of the week: THE TOY SHOW TONIGHT! Yahoo!

Dancers of the week: Ms O Flynn’s 2nd years. 

Abseilers of the week: The LCAs who went to Cork scaling walls. 

Historians of the week: 1B with their Ogham and High Cross art. 

Karate kid of the week: Mr Browne and all his medals. Amazing. 

STEM superstars of the week: The Sci Festers, Eacha, Sinead and Grace, for getting an Excellence in STEM award at the finals. We’re so proud of you!

West End stars of the week:  The two casts of Oliver who rocked the stage in the GPR for sold out shows. What great performances! 

Cutest moment of the week : When Samantha Shortall met Kate Burton after all these years. Maria and Gretel reunited. 

Best driver of the week: Mr Pegler and his parking. LOL. 

Upcoming event of the week: The C-FAB event in DeBarra’s on November 20th from 3-7pm. It’s in memory of our beloved Caitlin Buchan and will raise much needed funds for charity. 

Podcast of the week : Bill Liao was a guest on the SHSS Podcast. Very cool guy. 

Podcasters of the week : Any and Cait, who came out of retirement to interview Bill Liao. 

Interior decorators of the week : Sadhbh and Nikhita who put up pics of all the previous shows at SHSS. 

Artist of the week: Aine Ruddy in 6th year who designed the gorgeous programme cover for Oliver!

Brainboxes of the week: The TYs who got their long-awaited Junior Cycle results. 

Victors of the week : The Senior B hockey team. 

Crew of the week : The crew of Oliver! Hard at work behind the scenes. Kudos. 

See you next week for the next instalment of SHSS Weekly Roundup.

Caragh BellComment