
SHSS Alumnae Link - Alice O'Regan

Welcome to SHSS Alumnae Link!

This is where we connect with past pupils and find out what they’re up to now. This week we linked with Alice O’Regan who graduated in 2016.

Name and position:

Alice O’ Regan, Exam Qualified Chartered Accountant.


Cork City.

Best memory of Sacred Heart:

It’s hard to pinpoint one memory. I think Transition Year was probably the overall highlight of my six years at Sacred Heart. I tried to get involved in as much as possible including the School Bank, BT Young Scientist and debating. The trip to Cappanalea was a particular highlight! I think the experience I gained in TY has stood to me throughout the years. I gained invaluable skills and would encourage every student to get involved in as much as possible. I have such great memories from that year and made best friends which I still have today.

What were your favourite classes?

I think the obvious choice here would have to be Accounting with Ms O’ Neill. I also loved Economics with Ms Hennessy. I have particularly fond memories of heading on a class trip to Dublin to be in the audience of the Claire Byrne show.

Tell us about your career progression to date:

I studied Accountancy in UCC for four years and graduated in 2020 with a First Class Honours. I am currently an Audit Associate at Deloitte Cork in the Financial Services Department. I have been working and studying over the last number of years with Deloitte and I have recently passed my Final Admitting Exams with Chartered Accountants Ireland.

If you weren’t in the job you have, what would you be doing?

I think I would have enjoyed something in Nutrition and Health.

Advice you would give your teenage self:

Don’t worry about what others think of you! In reality, we all live our own lives and spend little time worrying about what others do or say in theirs.

Favourite quote or motto?

I’m not one for the quotes or mottos so I will go with Ms Brosnan’s favourite:

‘Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today’

What’s your hidden talent?

I love a good sing-song!

Huge thanks to Alice for taking the time to answer our questions.

See you soon for the next instalment of SHSS Alumnae LInk.

Caragh BellComment