
SHSS Weekly Roundup - Friday 28th October 2022

SHSS WEEKLY ROUNDUP - Friday 28th October 2022

It’s MIDTERM AT LAST!!!!!!!!

Yippee. Halloween, sweets, bobbing apples, sleep ins, Netflix, scary movies, sleep ins, orange leaves, warm fires, family and friends… Don’t forget that the hour is changing this weekend. 

Historians of the week : It was 1C’s turn to dress up as Roman centurions. 

Best day of the week : Friday! Not only is school out for a week and a bit, everyone got to dress up. Serious craic. 

Daredevils of the week: The LCAs. Scary looking wire work there, girls. 

Hockey blitzers of the week:  The 1st years who played loads of hockey. Impressive.

Chefs of the week: The 2nd years who made gorgeous Halloween cupcakes. 

STEM superstars of the week : Sinead, Grace and Eabha for their methane project at Sci Fest. Brainboxes!  

Quizzers of the week : The 1st years in the GPR who participated in a Halloween quiz. 

Wellbeing ambassadors of the week: Aimee, Roseleen and Madelein.

Luckiest year group of the week : The LC Irish students who went to the cinema to see An Cailin Ciuin.  So jealous.

Dancers of the week : The ensemble of Oliver! We can’t wait to see it. Food, Glorious Food! 

Thespians of the week: Ms Crowley’s 2nd years performing their own drama extracts. 

Most convincing teacher costume of the week :  Mr Woods as a guard. Unreal! 

Most creative teacher costume of the week : Ms O Connell. No surprise there. 

TikTok of the week: Ms Bell’s 1st years singing ‘C’est l’Halloween’ in French. 

Victors of the week: The Senior Cs who won 8-0 this week. Unreal performance.  

Interior decorators of the week: The 1st years who decorated their classrooms so well. 

Brain boxes of the week (1): The TY debating team and their researchers who won their first debate. 

Brain boxes of the week (2): The four groups who have qualified for BTYS. Wayhey!

Exciting news of the week: After next Monday we can officially be excited for Christmas. Tra la la la la la la la la.

Reminder of the week: Get out in the air next week. Do some things for YOU. Relax and breathe. 

Movie stars of the week: The TY film crew who are busy filming Clon’s Got Talent. 

Speech and Drama queens of the week: Ms O Regan’s 1st years who performed a Halloween choral verse outside. 

See you in TWO weeks for the next instalment of SHSS Weekly Roundup.

Caragh BellComment