
Farewell, Frank!

Frank Deasy has been an integral part of Sacred Heart’s DNA since 2008. Caretaker, handyman, entertainer, and, most of all, friend, he has never once let anyone down. Smiling and sunny, Frank always had this ‘can-do’ attitude and never refused to help if needed.

When staff members were asked to describe Frank, words like ‘cheerful’, ‘kind’ and ‘obliging’ were commonplace. ‘Witty’ was another apt description as Frank’s dry wit was legendary. Someone said, ‘FANTABULOUS!’

Students described him as ‘an amazing person’, ‘patient’, ‘hilarious’, ‘reliable’, and ‘helpful’. They loved how he’d say ‘Hey, Sistas!’ when he saw them and was never cross when he had to drop everything to save the day with their lockers.

In honour of Frank, the Student Council organised a ‘Tunnel of Appreciation’ comprised of students from all year groups, lining the school corridors. Frank walked through this human tunnel to rapturous cheering and clapping. Mr Pegler and Mr Woods both spoke about Frank and his legacy here at SHSS. Frank humbly accepted his much deserved card and present as his colleagues looked on. Ms Brosnan praised him for his years of service and commitment.

The LCAs presented Frank with dog treats for his little dog (and our school mascot), Stella. There were delicious cakes in the staff room that everyone enjoyed.

Years ago, a CSPE class were covering the chapter that talks about ‘Star Citizens’. The students were asked to nominate their own Star Citizens and some said Adi Roche, Bono and Mary Robinson. However, one girl said, ‘Frank is my Star Citizen. He’s so kind when I lose my locker key and he’s always so smiley.’

Frank is known for his sense of humour. He always dressed up for events like Halloween Dress Up Friday or World Book Day. At Christmas, he would don a Santa suit and visit the classrooms, shouting ‘Ho! Ho! Ho!’ and ringing a bell.

Every Friday, Frank would greet people with ‘Happy Friday’. Everyone loved this as it meant the weekend was almost upon us. Fridays won’t ever be the same now without this habitual greeting.

We wish you all the best, Frank. Just know how much you will be missed. We will always think of you when we pass ‘Frank’s Office’ on the (illegal) way to the Ref or when a locker needs to be opened with force. When we hear Dubskie’s song ‘It’s Friday then it’s Saturday Sunday (what!)’ or when tables have to be moved and moved and moved … (Oh, and moved back again!)

The Oscar Wilde quote hanging on your office door will always remind us of you.

“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars”

God bless, Frank. Stay cool. We’ll never forget you.

Caragh BellComment