
Sacred Heart Students excel in International study in Science and Maths.

TIMMS (Trends in International Maths and Science) examines student’s performance in Maths and Science. TIMMS 2019, saw students from 64 countries  and 8 benchmarking participants taking part.  Ireland was one of the countries with 150 second level schools participating, inclusive of the students of 2nd year 2019, from Sacred Heart.  The Sacred Heart student’s scores in the tests exceeded Ireland’s National average in both Maths and Science.

Furthermore, if Sacred Heart was a country, it would have been placed 6th out of 72 in Maths, outperforming the national average of students from countries like Finland, England, Sweden and Australia. Better still was to come from our budding “Young Scientists'' when looking at the Science results in the “TIMMS” study. Overall the students' results would have placed them 3rd out of 72,  outperforming the national average of students from countries such as Japan, Korea, Israel, Hong Kong and many more.

Well done Ladies!

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