
TYs Dress Up as Inspirational Women!

To celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8th, class representatives, Val Menovska and Leah O’Boyle Rafferty, organised a TY Dress Up Day as part of the TY Virtual Activity Week.

Students were encouraged to dress up as inspirational women. The girls made a huge effort. Anna Nicholson won ‘Best Costume’ as Audrey Hepburn. Ayesha Ali won ‘Best Paragraph’ as Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Finally, Katie O’Driscoll won ‘Most Original’ as Lucy McCarthy, one of our own TY students (and an inspirational woman, for sure!).

The students want to say a huge thank you to Ms Eileen Harte for all her help.

See Sacred Heart’s Instagram for more photos of the amazing costumes!


Caragh BellComment