
Rob Heffernan Talks to TYs

Today, Rob Heffernan, Irish Olympic Race Walker, presented a talk via Zoom to the TYs in the GPR.

He spoke about Bank of Ireland and the upcoming SHSS School Bank which will be run by TY students.

The TYs learned how to connect, engage and sell themselves in an interview, how to lay out and present a CV correctly (ensuring that they have all the relevant information and in chronological order), and how to deal with social media safely and to their advantage.

Rob hopes to conduct a survey on Girls in Sport to ascertain why girls drop out of sport in their teenage years. He hopes to raise awareness and money to help this cause.

He has also started a ‘Wellness Initiative’ for TYs and !st years at break times in other schools. The TYs organise a mile-long run for the 1st years, for example. He hopes to do the same at SHSS. This promotes fitness amongst the first year students and enhances the TY students’ organisational skills.

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