Subject Options .......Leaving Cert 2021-2023
To assist TY students in making their decision on subject options for the Leaving Certificate 2021-2023, a subject roadshow will take place via “Google Meet” at the dates and times outlined below.
All TY students are asked to attend the information sessions on each of the 15 Leaving Certificate “Option Subjects” and LCVP. They will be presented in bundles or groups of 5 separate sessions. Please refer to your email for full details.
Monday 1st of February
Bundle/Group 1
PE History Geography 9.30am-10.50am
Bundle/Group 2
Music Technology Computer Science Agricultural Science 2pm to 4pm
Tuesday 2nd of February
Bundle/Group 3
Chemistry Biology LCVP 9.30am-10.50am
Bundle/Group 4
Accounting Economics Business 2.40pm-4pm
Thursday 4th of February
Bundle/Group 5
Home Economics Art Physics 8.50am- 10.10am