
Some updates from SHSS

Junior Cycle

With regard to Junior Cycle, the NCCA has published the revised arrangements for Classroom Based Assessments for students entering third year in 2020. The number of CBAs to be completed by these students has been reduced and each student must complete only one CBA in each subject and short course. The dates for the completion of CBA1 for that cohort has been extended into the new school year. Students taking the junior cycle final examinations in 2021 will not be required to complete Assessment Tasks for the relevant subjects. Specific arrangements have been put in place for Music, Art and Home Economics and are detailed in the relevant section.

SPHE and Wellbeing

NCCA has developed a set of three SPHE modules, intended to support student reflection and reengagement during the early stages of school re-opening. The modules provide both teacher and student resources and have been produced for 1st year, 2nd & 3rd year, and 5th & 6th year students. The NCCA states that ‘as students return to school, their prolonged absence will have impacted on their learning, wellbeing and overall connection to school. These lessons have been specially designed for use within the SPHE class during the first weeks of term. The lessons aim to help students to re-connect with school and with each other; enable students to reflect upon the impact of COVID-19 on their wellbeing and on their learning; develop skills, attitudes and dispositions needed for re-engaging successfully in learning’.

Leaving Certificate

For the Leaving Certificate Established examinations, there will be no change to the length of the written examinations. For subjects where the SEC issues project briefs during the 2020/21 school year, the intention is to generally issue these at least four weeks earlier than normal. Subjects with course work completion dates typically late in the school year, will be asked to submit this coursework two weeks earlier than normal as a contingency measure. In this context, teachers are encouraged to plan and undertake these projects as early as possible in the programme of study.

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