
Senior and Minor Hockey Teams record double Cup Victories

Congratulations to the Senior Hockey Team and Minor Hockey team and coaches Mr. Cronin and Ms. Lynch. Both teams recoreded cup wins over Scoil Mhuire on Monday 3rd of February..

Minor Hockey Team 

Mrs Lynch’s Minor B hockey team took on Scoil Mhuire. For the majority of the game the ball remained in the forward line which led to a goal from Juliette Lawlor in the first half. The girls continued to work hard with Niamh Kennedy scoring a goal. In the final quarter, Juliette Lawlor scored a second goal followed by a hat-trick. In the last few minutes Niamh Kennedy finished off the game with a finishing goal. The final score was 5-0.

At 2:30 Mr.Cronin’s Senior hockey team also took on Scoil Mhuire.The girls started strong attacking the Scoil Mhuire backs, Alice Sexton and Hannah Sexton were key players in this as they were not afraid to get stuck in ,this along side with teamwork from fellow forwards Ciara Deasy and Clodagh Murphy allowed Alice to score two goals in the first half. The backs which consisted of Eimear Walsh, Sarah Connolly and goalie C.J McDonagh played a comfortable game in this first half.Scoil Mhuire were definitely not happy with this half time score as they came out in the second half with more passing and attempts of trying to break the strong SHSS back line of Leah McAree, Sarah Lowney and Chloe Allman.The pressure  was too much for Scoil Mhuire as it wasn’t long before the ball was worked up by Aoife Moloney ,Katelyn Dineen and Anna Flynn where Ellen O’Hea, Annie Condon and Ciara Deasy continued to work and attempt to score. A final goal by Anna Flynn set the girls to finish the game with a score of 3:0 , a victorious day out for both the senior and minor hockey teams.

Seniors C V S Mhuire.JPG
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