
Board of Management

                                                                                          12th September 2019


Dear Parents/Guardians,


The term of office of the current Board of Management comes to an end in October. We would like to thank Susan Gallagher and Noel Clancy, parent nominees, for their enormous contribution to the Board of Management and the school during the past three years.

Nominations are now sought for two parent nominees for appointment to the Board, one male and one female, who would be willing to allow their name to go forward for election.

Only parents/legal guardians whose children currently attend the school are eligible to be elected to the Board, and only parents/legal guardians whose children are currently in the school are eligible to vote in the election.

Please email nominations to by Wednesday 19th September.  Include the name and address of your nominees.

Further to the nomination process, an election may be held, by secret ballot of all present, at the AGM of the Parents’ Association on September 24th at 7.30pm.


Yours sincerely,

Ann Marie

Ann Marie Brosnan

Secretary Board of Management.


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