
Mick Hanley from Clonakilty Chamber of Commerce visits Sacred Heart!

On Monday the 16th of November, the TY’s had a talk from Mick Hanly, administrator and Destination Coordinator of Clonakilty Chamber of Commerce. He spoke about his work in promoting Clonakilty as a tourist destination as well as a business town. He was the former chairperson of Clonakiltys Chamber of Tourism until it joined with Clonakilty Business Association in 2010. He told us about some events they organise including the Annual Clonakilty Street Carnival and recently the CoolClon launch. They introduced  Clonakilty Vouchers which are bought and can be used only in Clonakilty, ensuring the business stays within the town.The Chamber of Commerce runs the website, and the I Love Clonakilty Facebook and Twitter page, where they post about upcoming events in the town as well as much more.

The talk was informative and gave an insight into the running of a business.It also outlined the importance of community and supporting local.

By Aine Moloney, student journalist.

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