
Where are they Now? .................Past Pupils of Sacred Heart?

Past Pupil Interview with Aislinn Kennedy

1) During what time period did you attend Sacred Heart?

I attended Sacred Heart from 2010-2016.

2) What was your favourite subject in school?

Honestly it’s a tie between music and history. I loved different aspects of each, and the teachers were always good fun. Especially in the later years! 

3) What did you do after leaving school?

I went straight in to the course I am doing now, which is Early Years and Childhood Studies In UCC.

4) Are you working/ studying now? If so, where?

As I said above, I’m currently in UCC studying EYCS. I’m on placement at the moment in a preschool and I love it. The children are adorable. 

5)What was your favourite memory of Sacred Heart?

Ack that’s a hard one....People would probably expect me to say something about the shows, but I think it’s the time we took Mr Peglar’s keys in first period, and he came back for last period and someone (who shall remain nameless) drove down to the prefabs in his car. It was priceless! 

(Not to be advised might I add)

6) What advice would you give your 16- year old self?

It’s a bit cliché but I’d tell myself that what other people think really doesn’t matter. You do you and let that be it! 

7) If you could change something in your time in Sacred Heart would you? And if so, what would it be?

I just wish I had had more confidence earlier on in school, I think it would have made the first few years that bit easier. 

8) if you could go back for one day, what would be the first thing you would do?

Pop over to Ms Sexton’s office for a chat and a nap on the sofa. One of the nicest rooms in the school, 10/10 would recommend.

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