
Friendship Week at Sacred Heart



'Our voyage of kindness together'

The YSI Social Advocates team is seven students from 5th Year, who are interested in making an impact on social issues in the school.

Their first task is to organise Friendship week for all 1st years. Friendship week is taking place this Monday 16th through to Friday the 20th.

Friendship week is held in S.H.S.S every year and it aims to focus on the importance of kindness and inclusion for our present 1st years who are starting their journey in Sacred Heart Secondary school this year.We aim to achieve new friendships through activities organised for the week.

We hope the girls will get to know each other better as a year group by taking part in several Ice-breaker and interactive games we have prepared!

"All aboard the FriendSHIP"

Brendan WalshComment