
SHSS Weekly Roundup - Friday 13th January 2023

SHSS WEEKLY ROUNDUP - Friday 13th January 2023

Happy New Year! Can you believe it’s 2023. The early mornings are tough going but spring is coming. Soon we’ll have sunshine and bright evenings. 

Best day of the week :  Friday. An unexpected day off and a welcome sleep in. 

Downside of the week: The Pres are coming. 

Upside of the week: Midterm is only four weeks away. Get in. 

Victors of the week: The Senior Hockey team. 

Exhibition of the week : The BT Young Scientist Expo in Dublin. SHSS has four teams up there. Best of luck!

Supporters of the week : The TYs who went to Dublin to be there for the BT girls. My heart!

Event of the week: The College Fair in the GPR. Past pupils came back to share their experiences with our Senior Cycle students. 

Horticulturalists of the week: The TY Sustainability group who planted garlic. Allium sativum for you hardcore gardeners out there. 

Cinema trip of the week : The LC Macbeth trip on Monday. It was bloody and dark, but visually amazing. However, they played with the plot a bit (Macduff rocking up to the coronation and the banquet - that did not happen in the play and was a motivating factor in Macbeth’s dislike of the Thane of Fife). 

Cartographers of the week: Ms Russell’s 1B History class with their cool old maps of Cork. 

Important event NEXT week: The CAO info evening. 

Sad news of the week: Lisa Marie Presley died. What a shock. 

See you soon for the next instalment of SHSS Weekly Roundup. 

Caragh BellComment